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First Time on the Road!
Today marked our maiden voyage, a short jaunt to Metra Park. The home pulled like a dream!

Tiny House Interior Progress
Making progress for our soft deadline coming down down the pike! The baltic birch interior cladding starts tomorrow! ARCH 406 is a design...

Exterior Coming Together
Careful detailing and expert craftsman are bringing our Billings MT tiny house exterior together in a beautiful way. The Bridger Steel...

Tiny House Camp, Billings MT
In Montana forest fires and flooding are major concerns when considering the construction of permanent homes in our rural and mountainous...

Top Posts of 2016
What a year 2016 was, we've done some great work and seen great work done by others, here's to an inspiring 2017 in Billings MT!...

Backyard Office Module, Billings MT
Iterating backyard office ideas for a scheme that our buddy @designdmb has cooking... #arch406 #tinyhouse #arch406tinyhousetinyhousebuild...

Tiny House Collar Ties
These repetition of the collar ties is looking sharp. #billingsmontana
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